Every day, the liver handles over 500 different vital functions to sustain our life1. Some of the key functions include detoxification, regulating nutrient supply and synthesizing essential body proteins. When it is damaged, there are no obvious signs or symptoms until it becomes fairly advanced. At this stage, patients may experience fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss2,3.Therefore, early screening and treatment is essential to prevent liver damage.
It is divided into several types according to its cause. In Hong Kong, viral hepatitis is more commonly seen. Hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, chemicals or genetic diseases is less common.
There are at least 6 viruses that can cause infective hepatitis. These are hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and G viruses.
Hepatitis A and E are transmitted by contaminated food and water; hepatitis B, C, D and G on the other hand are transmitted by blood or body fluids.。