Dr. Che-hung Leong, GBS, OBE, JP
According to the information from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that approximately 10-15% of Chinese people carry hepatitis B virus. Figures show that as much as 40% of those infected will eventually die from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Thus, hepatitis can be regarded as the ‘common enemy’ of the Chinese people.
Every year, our country suffers substantial economic losses. This does not only result from the medical expenses incurred from liver diseases, but also from the loss in productivity and ultimately, the loss of valuable lives. To alleviate the situation, medical specialists from Mainland China and Hong Kong have been engaging in hepatology research over the past few years. However, to eradicate this ‘common enemy’ of the Chinese people, we need to consolidate more resources and experts all over the world. The establishment of CSY China – International Hepatitis Research Foundation is a significant move in achieving this great mission.
I deeply believe that the Foundation will be able to fulfill its mission by fostering the hepatitis research, providing advanced training and latest technology to medical professionals in Mainland China as well as educating the general public on the prevention of hepatitis in order to curb its spread.

Dr. Che-hung Leong, GBS, OBE, JP
According to the information from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that approximately 10-15% of Chinese people carry hepatitis B virus. Figures show that as much as 40% of those infected will eventually die from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Thus, hepatitis can be regarded as the ‘common enemy’ of the Chinese people.
Every year, our country suffers substantial economic losses. This does not only result from the medical expenses incurred from liver diseases, but also from the loss in productivity and ultimately, the loss of valuable lives. To alleviate the situation, medical specialists from Mainland China and Hong Kong have been engaging in hepatology research over the past few years. However, to eradicate this ‘common enemy’ of the Chinese people, we need to consolidate more resources and experts all over the world. The establishment of CSY China – International Hepatitis Research Foundation is a significant move in achieving this great mission.
I deeply believe that the Foundation will be able to fulfill its mission by fostering the hepatitis research, providing advanced training and latest technology to medical professionals in Mainland China as well as educating the general public on the prevention of hepatitis in order to curb its spread.


Mr. Chi-ping Ching
On its inauguration, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to the CSY China – International Hepatitis Research Foundation for all the good work it has done in fighting against hepatitis.
My father, The Hon Cheng Si-yuan, concerns very much about the disaster that hepatitis has brought to Chinese and have tried every effort to resolve the problem. Thanks to the contributions of professionals and social elites in Hong Kong and overseas who shared the same vision and have put their efiforts in enhancing international academic exchanges and raising the standard of prevention and treatment of hepatitis.
The work of the Foundation is a long term commitment that depends on full cooperation among all members and contributions from local and overseas societies. Let’s work together for the well-being of our next generation!

Dr. George KK Lau
Hepatitis B infection is endemic in China. Following the medical principle of ‘research for prevention; better to prevent than to cure’, a group of compassionate Hong Kong medical professionals have initiated the set up of a foundation to mobilize specialists from Mainland China, Hong Kong and the rest of the world to contribute to the research and prevention of hepatitis.
To achieve the goal of ‘Uniting hepatologists around the world to create a healthier generation’, the Foundation encourages exchange of professional views on liver diseases by organizing international academic conferences and the development of short, medium and long-term plans for combating the plague of viral hepatitis.
I hereby urge medical specialists worldwide and the elites from our society for their support to the Foundation to lift this burden away from the needy in our country, China.

Council Chairman
Mr. Wing-kee Chan, GBS, JP
As viral hepatitis has been tormenting China, the business, medical and upstanding social communities of Hong Kong and China have united to establish the CSY China – International Hepatitis Research Foundation, aimed at combating the spread of this fatal disease.
I am very proud to be the Chairman of the Council as it provides me the opportunity to dedicate myself to helping the poor. Along with other council members, I look forward to seeing a hepatitis free generation which will then form the firm base for China’s economic development.
I would like to appeal to the public for their generous support and assistance towards the Foundation’s challenges. Thank You!

Council Secretary General
The Hon. Jeffrey K.F. Lam, SBS, JP
It is always gratifying to see the birth of a baby. But in China, due to the financial restrain and limited medical resources, there are more than 5 million newborn babies each year who are not able to receive the luxury of vaccination against hepatitis B. These babies are therefore very vulnerable to the hepatitis B virus and are at high risk for infection. Consequently, their personal, family and social development will be affected.
CSY China – International Hepatitis Research Foundation was set up to alleviate this escalating problem and as the Secretary General, I understand that this is a long-term challenge that demands total commitment. In the future, we will continue to build a network of experts and socialites from Mainland China, Hong Kong and all over the world who are prepared to dedicate themselves to the development and execution of various educational and preventive programs in the fight against viral hepatitis and to the creation of a healthy generation.
